----------  Registration formular for HWiNFO32  ----------



Enter the name [Company - only in case of a Commercial Licence] string of person to be registered to, which will appear in the "Registered to:" box (Max 60 characters).

Name [Company]: ________________________________________________________________

Please select the type of registration. For multiple license write the amount of copies you wish to register.

 Type of registration:

[   ]  Non-Commercial License:

(   )  Single-user (1 Copy)

(   )  Multiple-user: for  ___________ Copies



[   ]  Commercial License:

(   )  Single-user (1 Copy)

(   )  Multiple-user: for  ___________ Copies



Name:  ____________________________________________________________________

Company [optional]:  _________________________________________________________

Street address:  _____________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________________________________________

ZIP: _________________

Country:  __________________________________________________________________

E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________


--- Select the way of payment ---


For foreign users:

   (   )  I registered on-line at http://www.regsoft.com/

   (   )  I have made a wire bank transfer.

   (   )  I have enclosed a check.

   (   )  I have enclosed the money in bills, at my own risk.


For Slovak/Czech users:

   (   )  Poslal som objednavku na uvedenu adresu a poplatok uhradim po obdrzani faktury.
         Prosim nezabudnite uviest aj ICO/DIC.

   (   )  Poplatok som uhradil postovou poukazkou.


Total Sum:    ____________________


 _____________                                                      _____________________________

         Date                                                                                         Signature